Home / Blog September 14, 2022

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What Your Sleeping Position Says About You

Body language speaks volumes about our inner selves. Even in our sleep. Sleep studies and surveys have drawn some common connections between a person’s preferred sleeping position and a few key personality traits

What Your Sleeping Position Says About You


Surveys show that our favourite sleeping positions could be linked to certain aspects of our personality.

“Log” sleepers lie on their side and are generally laid back people; “Yearners” have outstretched arms and are more open-minded than most; and “Soldiers” are back sleepers who tend to be reserved, to name a few of the common sleeping positions and the related qualities.

Our recommendation for getting quality sleep is a simple position: under a weighted blanket! Try the Tree Napper - it’s bound to bring out the coolest sleeper in you.

Did you know?
The most common sleeping position is the fetal position. It is also the most beneficial sleeping position for spinal health as it allows for the most natural alignment.

Body language speaks volumes about our inner selves, even in our sleep. Sleep studies and surveys have drawn some common connections between a person’s preferred sleeping position and a few key personality traits.

Apparently, those of us who sleep in a log position tend to be more laid back. Those who curl up into a fetal position are usually the strong-but-sensitive type. And those who sprawl out over the sheets like a starfish are selfless individuals. (Hmm, wonder if the person sharing a bed with a starfisher would agree...)

More than what it says about character, we’re interested in how nighttime posture affects the quality of our sleep. Are certain sleeping positions more conducive to restorative rest than others? Could the way we sleep be to blame for sleep-related troubles?

Read on for the inside scoop on different sleeping positions, and a few reasons why we think the best way to sleep is simple: under a weighted blanket.

woman with purple blanket

Side, Back And Stomach Sleeping: Which Way Says What

Research on sleeping positions is based around the most common variations of sleeping either on your side, back or stomach.

On your side

Side-sleeping is generally regarded as the healthiest and most comfortable way to sleep. It’s also known to be the position that shushes the snorers, helps those with hip issues, and is best for when there’s a bun in the oven.

If you’re a side-sleeper, you’re likely to favour one of these positions:

  • The Log
    Log sleepers lie on their side with their arms by their side. If you’re sleeping like a log, you’re regarded as laid back, friendly and trusting. No wonder log sleepers are so well-loved!
  • The Yearner
    Yearners sleep with their arms stretched out in front of them and are generally open-minded individuals, who tend to take their time when making decisions. But once a Yearner has made a choice, they’ll stick to it.
  • The Fetal Position
    Seems that sleeping like a baby follows us into adulthood! If you often sleep with your arms and legs curled into this hunched position, research suggests you’re strong on the outside but more sensitive on the inside. Introverts tend to favour the fetal position.

On your back

With the exception of people struggling with sleep apnea or lower back issues, back-sleepers are most likely to wake up feeling well-rested.

Do you find you rest best when sleeping on your back? You’re a probably a Starfish or a Soldier:

  • The Soldier
    Soldier sleeping position is on your back with your arms by your side. Soldier sleepers are more withdrawn and adhere to strict moral codes.
  • The Starfish
    Starfish sleep with stretched out limbs and tend to be giving people who are carefree as well as good listeners.

On your back

With the exception of people struggling with sleep apnea or lower back issues, back-sleepers are most likely to wake up feeling well-rested.

Do you find you rest best when sleeping on your back? You’re a probably a Starfish or a Soldier:

  • The Freefaller
    Freefallers sleep with their heads turned to one side and arms wrapped around a pillow. Freefallers are sociable (no wonder introverts show such a strong dislike to this position!) and often struggle to deal with criticism.

Regardless of the particular position you sleep in, or what that seems to say about your personality, the more important question is how does it affect your sleep? Is it setting you up for the best possible snooze? Or not?

Cotton Napper

  2149 Reviews
Cotton Napper cta

Dreamy, buttery softness

Calms body & mind for deeper sleep

Hand-knitted huggable comfort

It's Napper Time
Cotton Napper cta

Our Recommended Sleeping Position: Under A Napper!

Whether you prefer a specific position or not, a surefire way to sweeten your slumber is with our chunky-knit, weighted Napper blanket. Here are four ways our weighted blankets can help you get better sleep:

1. Combat excessive cortisol

Cortisol is the body’s main stress hormone. Playing an important part in our “fight or flight” response, cortisol levels naturally spike when we find ourselves in a stressful situation.

Unfortunately, the fast-paced lifestyle that has become our societal norm is a leading cause in persistently high cortisol levels, making stress a constant battle for many people. And stress is a common sleep enemy.

How can we fight this? Sleeping in a soldier position? The best strategy is to pull up a weighted blanket!

The calming sensation of evenly distributed weight over the body, is proven to naturally lower cortisol levels. This means when bedtime (or naptime) rolls around, snuggling up under a Napper will help you feel more relaxed, fall asleep easier and log more hours of stress-free sleep.

2. Supercharge your serotonin

Similar to its effectiveness in lowering cortisol, sleeping under weight helps to naturally increase serotonin. Serotonin is the body’s mood-regulator.

Feeling happy is heavily dependent on healthy serotonin levels. Sleeping your way to a better mood doesn’t have to mean sprawling like a starfish, simply spend your nights under a weighted blanket and your days are bound to be a bit more carefree.

3. Make more melatonin

Our bodies are reliant on healthy serotonin levels to produce that ultra-important sleep hormone known as melatonin.

The science behind weighted blankets supports increased production of this sleep-inducing hormone, making our Nappers a natural solution to low melatonin levels.

4. Say goodbye to sweating

Our Nappers are a natural solution to another common sleep problem: sweating. No newfangled sleeping position can ease the discomfort of sweaty sleep, so if you’re a hot sleeper, give our coolest blanket–the Tree Napper–a try.

texture white blanket

We went to great lengths to find the perfect combo of cooling fabric and innovative design to make our Tree Nappers as breathable as can be.

The hand-knit weaves of Tencel™ (a plant-based fabric made from Eucalyptus wood pulp) and layered organic cotton strikes a perfect balance between allowing enough natural airflow and carrying enough weight to whisk you off to dreamland, while keeping you cool and comfortable.

A weighted blanket can’t enhance your personality (and neither will nighttime Freefalling make you more outgoing!). But, snoozing under a knitted Napper can help you become the best sleeper you can be. And that is bound to make you a delight during the day.